morning ritual

Mornings matter. We all need a healthy “morning ritual” if we want to truly make the most of our days – and life in general. What does your “morning ritual” look like?

How we start our day is one of the most important things in life.

Often our mornings set the entire tone for the rest of our day. If you have a bad morning, you’ll likely feel more stressed and anxious throughout the day; and if you have a good morning, you’ll likely feel more happy and energized throughout the day.

Mornings matter. And we all have a morning ritual that we tend to follow on a daily basis, even if it’s just something as simple as wake up, brush your teeth, get in the shower, get dressed, then drive to work.

But ask yourself: “Does my morning ritual energize me or drain me before I start the day?”

This is a super important question to answer. If your morning ritual isn’t energizing you, or at least preparing you to take on the day, then you should strongly consider changing it up to make it more motivating and inspiring.

Mornings matter. And you should pay close attention to how you starting each and every day.

While we all have certain responsibilities we need to take care of in the morning, it’s also important to carve out some time to get your body and mind stimulated and ready to take on the day. A “morning ritual” can last a couple hours, or even just 10-15 minutes, depending on what works best for you.

By the way, I prefer to call it a “morning ritual,” rather than a “morning routine” because as I describe in routines vs. rituals, “routines” are often perceived as tedious and boring, but “rituals” give us a stronger sense of meaning and purpose. Words matter too.

Now let’s focus on 3 necessary components to crafting a “morning ritual” that works best for you.

Energize your body

One function of a healthy “morning ritual” is to energize your body.

This can include eating a nice breakfast, drinking a cup of coffee or tea, and giving your body some nutrition and nourishment. However, it should also include moving your body in some way.

While many people like to go to the gym or exercise in the morning, even something simple like mindful stretching, yoga, pushups and situps at home, or a short walk can be a great way to get your body moving and get the blood flowing through your body and muscles.

Integrating at least some type of “small exercise” into your morning ritual is very important for fully waking up your body and preparing yourself to start the day.

Are you energizing your body in the morning? What are some small habits you can implement to get your body moving more before you start your day?

Energize your mind

Another important function of a healthy “morning ritual” is to energize your mind.

This can include a wide-range of possible activities: reading the news, listening to uplifting music, practicing a breathing meditation, or reciting a few positive self-affirmations and quotes.

During most mornings we focus on waking up our bodies, but including a mentally-stimulating activity is just as important for waking up your mind.

Most of these activities don’t take long, or you can them during other parts of your morning ritual. You could listen to music while making yourself breakfast, or recite affirmations while taking a shower, or practice a small breathing meditation while on the train or bus.

Giving your mind a little extra attention in the morning isn’t hard and doesn’t take up much time, but it’s something we often don’t consider when getting ready to kick off our day.

Are you energizing your mind in the morning? What are some small habits you can implement to stimulate your mind before you start your day?

Energize your spirit

The last important function of a healthy “morning ritual” is to energize your spirit.

If you’re a religious or spiritual person, you should consider integrating some prayers into your morning ritual. But even if you aren’t religious, there are still many ways to boost your “spirit” before you start your day.

Watching the sunrise, taking time to sit with nature, or even just spending a couple minutes to reflect on what you are grateful for in life are all healthy ways to lift your “spirit” and create more meaning in your life.

If you want, you can even write your own version of a daily prayer (or “self-hypnosis”) that you can recite every morning to yourself.

Are you energizing your spirit in the morning? What are some small habits you can implement to stimulate your spirit before you start your day?

Create a “morning ritual” that works best for you

Mornings matter and we all need a healthy “morning ritual” if we want to truly make the most of our days (and life in general).

The most important thing is that you craft a morning ritual that works best for you and your personality. I recommend focusing on finding ways to energize your body, mind, and spirit – but ultimately you should decide how to energize yourself and how to better prepare yourself to conquer the day.

Exercise: Get a paper and pen and write out your complete “morning ritual.” Ask yourself, “What is good about my morning ritual? What can I work to improve? Is it energizing my body, mind, AND spirit? What new activities might I want to add?”

I dedicate a whole section about “morning rituals” in my new book Small Habits, Big Changes. If you’re looking to maximize your days by making small and easy changes in your life, I recommend checking it out.

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