romantic interest

Have you ever had a romantic interest in someone, but you waited a long time to finally tell them?

Often this is a recipe for frustration and disappointment. You spend time with someone, you share good times, you grow more and more fond of them, but you never come forward about your true feelings until it’s too late.

What happens is the other person begins to think of you as just a friend, and then when you finally do express your romantic interest (weeks, months, or years later), the other person isn’t capable of thinking of you in the same way.

For any relationship to work, you have to be honest about your intentions. And the sooner the better.

There’s no reason to wait to tell someone that you like them in a romantic way – unless they are already in a steady relationship, in which case you should probably let go and find someone new.

But if a person is available, and you are available, then expressing romantic interest right away gives you an answer on whether or not the other person has similar feelings – or if they don’t.

Either way, you get an answer and don’t have to spend time in limbo staying up all night trying to figure out if the relationship has any possibility or not.

You might express romantic interest and get rejected. And that’s going to hurt. But it won’t hurt as much as wasting all that time dreaming about someone who you have no chance with.

Be forward with other people and they will be forward with you. Don’t leave unsaid feelings up in the air, hoping that they will erupt at the perfect time. They won’t. You need to be honest with yourself and others to the best of your ability.

Only then can you live a romantic life of no regrets.

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