Free your mind from the prison of mindless television and learn to live a healthier and saner life by canceling your cable subscription today.

We consume more technology and media now than ever before.

In today’s world, we aren’t just constantly in front of one digital screen, but often multiple screens at once. We sit in front of the computer playing video games, with the TV on in the background showing reruns of some old TV show, while constantly checking our phones for emails and status updates. New distractions continue to be invented and pile up in our ever busy world.

While each of these distractions are something to be mindful of (and possibly eliminate), this article will focus on the negative mental health effects of television, and why you should cancel your cable subscription today if you haven’t already.

Taking a step back from traditional cable television can have numerous mental benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety, to improving sleep quality, to increasing productivity, and enhancing personal well-being.

Reduced Exposure to Negative News

One of the primary advantages of canceling your cable subscription is a decreased exposure to the constant barrage of negative and misleading news, especially when it comes to politics and current events.

Many try to justify their TV subscription so they can still follow their favorite news channel or political commentator, but new surveys show that trust in mass media – such as TV, newspapers, and radio – is falling and continues to hit record lows.

Every news channel comes with its own agenda and bias, and many viewers simply aren’t satisfied with the answers they are getting in our increasingly divided and hostile world. Professional journalism is dying, and a random YouTuber can sometimes be more honest and knowledgeable about a subject than a multi-millionaire who is essentially being paid to lie to you. This is becoming the sad reality we live in, but remember that everything you hear (no matter where it comes from) should be double-checked before you accept it as fact.

Of course, like many sources of news, traditional TV channels often focus on sensational stories, political conflicts, and tragic events designed to grab your attention. This constant stream of negativity can contribute to anxiety, stress, depression, and even a sense of hopelessness. By cutting off cable, you regain control over the news you consume, allowing you to choose smarter and healthier alternatives, including sources for good news that focus on more positive aspects of life.

At the very least, we have more flexibility to curate our own news consumption through alternative sources rather than accepting whatever is spoon-fed to us through the tube.

Increased Freedom from Advertising

Every TV channel requires advertising as its primary source of revenue. That’s the only reason they want you watching at the end of the day, and that’s why they will often cut a program at convenient times so that you have to sit through another round of commercials to get the latest update on a news story or find out how the movie or show ends.

Unlike websites where you can install ad blockers or avoid really spammy websites, there’s no such thing as ad blockers for TV channels. You’re just stuck with it.

While many people like to believe, “Advertising doesn’t work on me,” there’s a reason corporations spend billions of dollars every year to flood your mind with commercials. Because it does work. When a commercial comes on, you can look away or check your phone, but the subliminal messages still sink in: “Buying this car will make you popular!” or “This deodorant is going to make you more attractive!” or “Aren’t you in the mood for fast food right now?”

Television advertisements have become increasingly intrusive on our minds, bombarding viewers with countless ads designed to create new desires and promote consumerism. These ads can negatively impact mental well-being by fostering feelings of inadequacy, fueling materialistic tendencies, and increasing the pressure to conform to certain social norms and standards.

Commercials can be one of the most prolific forms of propaganda, and every time you sit in front of a TV you are willingly exposing yourself to these harmful messages. Throughout any one hour of a television program, at least 15 minutes of it is dedicated to advertising (and sometimes more).

Time for Meaningful Activities

Television has long been the “go to” leisure activity ever since it first became popular. A typical day for the average person often involves coming home from work, grabbing a snack or drink, plopping yourself down on the couch, and turning the TV on.

Once settled, we find ourselves flipping through numerous channels, mindlessly consuming content, and getting sucked into endless binge-watching sessions. Before you know it, hours have passed by and it’s time to go to bed and get ready to repeat the same daily routine tomorrow.

Television can consume a significant amount of our time, leaving little room for more healthy activities like going to the gym, taking a walk outside, reading books, spending time with family and friends, or engaging in more creative hobbies.

The truth is you don’t need TV to relax or unwind. At first you may think, “Well, without TV, what am I going to do with myself?” But once it’s no longer an option, you’ll quickly find new ways to fill up your time with more productive and meaningful activities.

Improved Sleep Quality

Television (and screens in general) can have a devastating effect on our sleeping patterns. Many people can’t even imagine themselves falling asleep without the TV making light noise in the background.

The constant exposure to stimulating content can make it challenging to wind down before bed. We find ourselves half-awake for hours watching reruns of our favorite sitcoms, never giving our minds the opportunity to fall into a deeper and more restful state.

This is one key reason I’ve removed all TV and screen activity from by bedroom, which I consider an important principle behind a good night’s rest. The more you associate your bedroom with nothing but sleep and relaxation, the easier it will be to doze off as soon as your head hits the pillow.

In addition, the blue light emitted by television screens has been shown to disrupt our natural sleep patterns and circadian rhythm (our biological “sleep-wake” cycle), leading to difficulties falling asleep and reduced sleep quality overall. By cutting out your late night TV time, you can establish healthier bedtime routines such as engaging in calming activities like reading, meditation, journaling, or a warm bath, leading to more restful sleep and improved mental and physical well-being.


Abandon your TV! You likely won’t miss it as much as you think you will.

To start, canceling your cable subscription can bring about a multitude of mental benefits, plus it will save you money. By reducing exposure to negative news, freeing yourself from advertising pressures, enhancing cognitive focus, creating time for meaningful activities, and improving sleep quality, you’ll begin to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

While the decision to cancel cable might initially seem daunting (especially if you’ve spent your entire life with it), the mental well-being gained from this choice far outweighs any temporary sense of loss. Embrace the freedom, take control of your media consumption, and open yourself up to a new cable-free world.

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