materialism quiz

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your relationship with money and material things. What do you score?

1. I enjoy going to fancy and luxurious places.
2. My value as a person isn’t determined by my salary or income.
3. I often engage in "retail therapy" (shopping for new things when I'm feeling down to boost my mood).
4. I have a difficult time "letting go" of stuff (throwing things out, donating them, etc.)
5. I think a lot about my physical appearance and how I look to others.
6. I treat people equally regardless of their wealth or status.
7. It's possible to have less than what I have now and still be happier.
8. I'm aware of advertisements and try to avoid too much exposure to them.
9. I enjoy gambling or making risky investments with my money.
10. Once your basic needs are met, there is very little relationship between money and happiness.
11. It would be easier to build relationships in my life if only I had more money.
12. I often compare my social status to others.
13. I enjoy shopping for new things.
14. There are more important values than money and material things.
15. I'm a light traveler (I don't need much if I'm going on vacation for a week).
16. I want to be rich at some point in my life.
17. I use money in harmony with my values and goals in life.
18. I enjoy spending my time and money helping others (such as charity or volunteer work).
19. I rarely stress out about money.
20. I like to have the newest version of a product (such as phone, car, or video game system).
21. I make impulsive purchases and have trouble managing my finances responsibly.
22. I get jealous when I see people with cool stuff that I don't have (or can't afford).
23. Money is neither "good" nor "bad" – it's just a tool, and it's up to you how you use it.
24. I often like to show off my new purchases (clothes, car, TV, etc.) to others.
25. Collecting "new experiences" is more important than collecting "new stuff."