confidence quiz

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current level of confidence. What do you score?

1. I get jealous of other people's achievements.
2. I have people in my life who inspire and motivate me.
3. I can easily think of past accomplishments in my life.
4. I'm good at taking something positive from any criticism.
5. If I'm not good at something right away, I don't feel like doing it anymore.
6. I pleasantly surprise myself on a daily basis.
7. I believe most people will like me if they really get to know me.
8. I don't see much potential in my life.
9. I can overcome most obstacles if I put my mind to it.
10. I need positive feedback from others before I can feel good about something I did.
11. People will only respect me if I'm good-looking, rich, or successful.
12. I am capable of creating value in this world.
13. I'm comfortable going against popular opinion if I don't agree with it.
14. I beat myself up over my mistakes constantly.
15. I don't need to change everything overnight before I can feel good about myself.
16. I often need assurance from others before I make a big decision.
17. I get easily offended by the things people say about me.
18. Every failure is an opportunity for growth and improvement.
19. I look forward to pursuing new goals and challenges in life.
20. I can have a polite conversation with someone even if they disagree with me.
21. I frequently find myself fighting negative thoughts about myself.
22. I feel like I'll never be a good person.
23. I can't be myself around others.
24. I often try to "win people over" so they like me.
25. I'd rather do what I think is right instead of something that just makes me look good.